ITECH IT8516C+ 120V/240A DC Electronic load (3 kW)
DC Input Ratings:
- Maximum power 3000 W
- Resolution: 10 mW
- Voltage: 0.1-18/0.1-120 V
- Resolution: 1 mV/10 mV
- Current: 0-24 A and 0-240 A
- Resolution: 1 mA/10 mA
- Resistance: 0.05-10 Ohm/10 Ohm to 7.5 kOhm
Operating modes:
- Constant Voltage
- Constant Current
- Constant Resistance
- Constant Power
Setup Accuracy:
- Voltage: (0.05%+0.02% Full Scale)/(0.05%+0.025% Full Scale)
- Current: (0.1%+0.1% Full Scale)
- Resistance: (0.02%+0.08 S)/(0.02%+0.0008 S)
- Power: 0.2%+0.2% Full Scale
Feature set:
- Intilligent fan control. Low acoustic noise
- Accurate readback of current and voltage
- Dynamic test to 10 kHz
- Pulse, List and Toggle mode
- Short-circuit function
- Remote sense
- Protection function
- High accuracy and resolution
- RS-232, USB and GPIB
- Support SCPI and register programming
- Analog control